Dato | Rytter | Nationalitet | Fødselsår | 1 stævne | 3 måneder |
19-03-2025 | Megan Min Em DING | Malaysia | 19-06-2025 | ||
20-01-2025 | João Maria Barrilaro Ruas | Portugal | 1997 | 20/1-20/4 | |
17-01-2025 | Shane Carey | Irland | Riders Cup uge 3 | ||
16-01-2025 | Jana Dürr | Tyskland | 1996 | 16/1-16/4 | |
16-01-2025 | Bruce Gooding | Irland | 1969 | Riders Cup uge 3 | |
15-01-2025 | Susanne Krohn | Tyskland | 1985 | 15/1 - 15/4 |
Dato | Rytter | Nationalitet | Fødselsår | 1 stævne | 3 måneder |
26-01-2024 | Aiden Reilly-Madan | 26/01 - 26/4 2024 | |||
20-03-2024 | Mesina Den Tuinder | Holland | 12-01-2012 | Riders Cup 11/4-14/4 | |
19-04-2024 | Tessa Divita | USA | Esbjerg Rideklub | ||
26-04-2024 | Géraldine Straumann | Schweiz | 2004 | 26/04 - 26/07 2024 | |
07-06-2024 | Sebastian Bockholt | Tyskland | 1975 | VLR 8-11 august | |
07-06-2024 | Aidan Reilly-Madan | USA | 2004 | 07/06 - 07/09 2024 | |
10-06-2024 | Jordyn Rena Appleton | New Zealand | 2005 | 10/06 - 10/09 2024 | |
13-06-2024 | Evie Elisabeth Puttock | England | 2004 | Favrskov Rideklub | |
15-07-2024 | Géraldine Straumann | Schweitz | 2004 | 27/07-27/10 2024 | |
16-08-2024 | Stella Marie Wagemann | Tyskland | 2006 | Kongsvad Rideklub Thorsager | |
28-08-2024 | Christiana Engel | Estland | 2008 | Nordic Baltic Masters - SPR | |
28-08-2024 | Marielle Pille | Estland | 2012 | Nordic Baltic Masters - SPR | |
28-08-2024 | Britta Liis Nömmeots | Estland | 2009 | Nordic Baltic Masters - SPR | |
31-01-2024 | Bruce Goodin | New Zealand | 1969 | 31/10 - 31/1-2025 | |
05-12-2024 | Faye-Linn Everts | Belgien | Baltic Cup Finale - DDHS | ||
05-12-2024 | Milly Vos | Holland | Baltic Cup Finale - DDHS |
Dato | Rytter | Nationalitet | Fødselsår | 1 stævne | 3 måneder |
07-12-2023 | Jan Meves | Tyskland | 1974 | DDHS 4.-10. december 2023 | |
07-12-2023 | Mano De Boer | Holland | 1991 | DDHS 4.-10. december 2023 | |
05-12-2023 | Anna Margareta Fries | Tyskland | 2007 | DDHS 4.-10. december 2023 | |
16-11-2023 | Ian Fives | Irland | 1998 | 16/11 - 16/2 | |
11-10-2023 | Stella Betka Geertz | Tyskland | 1997 | DDHS 12.-17. november 2023 | |
26-09-2023 | Aidan Reilly-Madan | USA | 2004 | 26/9 - 26/12 2023 | |
28-08-2023 | Maria Ludovica Gallotti | Italien | 1994 | 28/8 - 28/11 2023 | |
25-08-2023 | Mohd Qabil Ambak | Malaysia | 1980 | Vejle Rideklub | |
08-08-2023 | Anna Margareta Fries | Tyskland | 2007 | Stutteri Ask 8.-13. august | |
12-07-2023 | Christina Sint | Østrig | 2001 | 12/7 - 12/10 2023 | |
06-07-2023 | Ian Fives | Irland | 1998 | 6/7 - 6/10 2023 | |
29-06-2023 | Sebastian Bockholt | Tyskland | 1975 | Bækgaarden Horse Festival | |
22-06-2023 | Annsophie Wencel | Tyskland | 1999 | Blue Hors Sommerfestival | |
09-06-2023 | Lotte lenaerts | Belgien | 1998 | Arabian International Weekend | |
09-06-2023 | Veronique Van Roie | Belgien | 1979 | Arabian International Weekend | |
16-05-2023 | Emma Manzotti | Italien | 2005 | 16/5 - 16/8 2023 | |
12-05-2023 | Danielle Bonavito | USA | 1998 | 12/5 - 12/8 2023 | |
12-05-2023 | Sarina Bos | Holland | 1983 | Vestegnsridtet 20-05-2023 | |
20-04-2023 | Marieke Reimers | Tyskland | 1997 | 17/5 - 21/5-2023 | |
20-04-2023 | Hennes Mühlenbeck | Tyskland | 2008 | 17/5 - 21/5-2023 | |
12-04-2023 | Leonardo Gabrielli | Italien | 1999 | 12/4 - 12/7 2023 | |
05-04-2023 | Ian Fives | Irland | 1998 | 5/4 - 5/7 2023 | |
19-03-2023 | Susanne Krohn | Tyskland | 1985 | 19/3 - 19/6 2023 | |
12-03-2023 | Esther Van Ingen | Holland | 2001 | ERD Kronborg | |
27-02-2023 | Jaime Fernandez Ray | Spanien | 2005 | 27/2 - 27/5 2023 | |
27-02-2023 | Maya Torres | Spanien | 1999 | 27/2 - 27/5 2023 | |
22-02-2023 | Mohd Qabil Ambak | Malaysia | 1980 | x | |
03-03-2023 | Mohd Qabil Ambak | Malaysia | 1980 | 3/3 - 3/6 2023 |
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For ansøgning om gæstelicens gyldigt til 1 specifikt stævne, se blanket her
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BEMÆRK gæstelicensen skal være godkendt i DRF administration før stævnestart
For applications for guest license in Denmark valid for 3 months, see application form here
For applications for guest license in Denmark valid for 1 specific event, see application form here
Approval from national federation of riders for guest license, see form here
NOTICE the guest license must be signed by the administration at DRF before the first competitio